Tarot Singer

Stories still matter. I believe in sharing the truth.

Hi, I’m
Lexie Phoenix. ⚜️🔥

Artist who registered a corporation haphazardly on LegalZoom. Decent singer, solid artist and good dancer.
My most bankable skills I think are making websites, illustrating, adding commentary, singing and dancing. I accept clients who want me to create a cool-looking music video for stories from the heart.

I publish on all of these websites:

We all deserve a chance to share our voices. ⚜️

For most of human history, kings and religious orders controlled all forms of publication.

I know that in every nation on earth a similar tale unfurls. Whoever holds power dictates what any author can commit to human memory.

Long ago and far away,
In a land across the sea

Poets sang songs about love, hope, rage, sorrow and the evils of the world. Tales they told evolved. Artists learned from one another. In the early days of the Celts, according to my parents, a woman like me good be the tribe’s story-teller. There might be a few others roaming around with us but it was a role that was historically open to someone like me.

My education focused on European history (naturally) but I discovered parallel themes in literature from all over the world. Culture varies yet a fundamental truth remains. We tend to sing songs with a common longing built into our poetry.

Please contact me on instagram or tiktok. Serious and social-justice focused inquiries only, please.